Attack against 3-3 defense
As the 3-3 defense is a kind of personal marking of all attackers, a minority
situation for the defenders will be a very risky situation, as there will always
be an unchecked attacker. This free attacker can be a goalkeeper, who has
been replaced by a field player. But the goalkeeper must be very aware, that
when the possibility for at shooting solution is present, the "goalkeeper" must
already be on he's way to be replaced by the real goalkeeper. If he is unsuccessful
she must take the place as goalkeeper as good as she can. The "goalkeeper" must
be on the team bench side when the goal seeking attack has started. If the
defense returns to a more ordinary defense (6-0, 5-1) it is a choice to continue
with superior attack or not. But there is a risk that the defenders conquer
the ball. If this happens there is a great chance that the opponent's goalkeeper
or field player will try a long shot at the free goal. A little comfort could
be that many of those long shots don't hit the goal.
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